The group asked a few people what they thought about of our final edit. We asked them for one positive and one negative point. The answers are below:
Samantha Milne (Aged 15)
Positive: Ending – out of focus blurry but awesome
Negative: Tom and Sophie shot bit long
Lauren Farmer (Aged 16)
Positive:Music is great
Negative: Ending carried suspense
Henna Mystery (Aged 16)
Positive: Music very good – really sets the mood
Negative: The stalker should make it more obvious he is there by enhancing the ambient sound – twigs snapping?
Louise Pearson (Aged 17)
Positive:really like the dark atmosphere created through the mixture of black and white scenes and the music played. I also like the contrast between the action shots and the pans across the photos because it adds more background to the introduction; it looks more like an obsession with the photos added in
Negative: in one of the shots cutting from Sophie and Tom, to Josh through the camera, Sophie changes position from cuddling Tom to looking at the camera, then back in the next shot. This disrupts the flow of the action because it's a little distracting. Also, in the last shot, it isn't totally clear Josh is running towards the 'couple' as the first few times I thought he was running away
from them
Laura Knighton (Aged 17)
Positive:The music was awesome, the effects were very atmospheric and the end kept me in suspense
Negative: a bit repetitive of the walking around
For future questioning I need to make sure I ask same amount of males and females to eliminate bias.
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Friday, 16 April 2010
Evaluation Question 7
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Looking back at my preliminary task I have learnt a lot since then, I have learnt to start doing new things when it comes to editing and using the camera such as using new effects and putting different effects on the camera. I also found it very helpful working in a group as they were there to help me if need be, we also had great teamwork, together we each had different jobs to do and got on with them to save us time. I have also learnt to ask for help off the teacher if I need any help with anything or I don’t understand something when it comes to using the camera or using the editing software. I feel that using the preliminary task as a practise for use of camera angles and different types of sound has really prepared me for my thriller opening, I felt that I knew exactly what I was doing and knew where all the equipment was so me and the rest of the group could get started straight away.
Looking back at my preliminary task I have learnt a lot since then, I have learnt to start doing new things when it comes to editing and using the camera such as using new effects and putting different effects on the camera. I also found it very helpful working in a group as they were there to help me if need be, we also had great teamwork, together we each had different jobs to do and got on with them to save us time. I have also learnt to ask for help off the teacher if I need any help with anything or I don’t understand something when it comes to using the camera or using the editing software. I feel that using the preliminary task as a practise for use of camera angles and different types of sound has really prepared me for my thriller opening, I felt that I knew exactly what I was doing and knew where all the equipment was so me and the rest of the group could get started straight away.
Evaluation Question 6
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Throughout this whole project I have learnt a variety of techniques and about the use of technologies. First of all I learnt all the aspects of controlling the camera such as the 180 degree rule which is where you place the camera in a certain space to film particular sections but you cant the move the camera to the opposite side and carry on filming in the same scene but it would look very unprofessional and make the audience very confused. I also learnt a key aspect to due with the camera that is a must for all of our filming and that technique was putting the camera in wide screen I also learned alongside this how to set the white balance and how to test it for example setting the camera and then testing it against something white, this would also also give me an advantage if I didn't want to create a amateur looking piece. I also took in account the particular shots and angles we used in our preliminary task so we could make our opening a lot more interesting and drawing the audience into the situation. I also learnt to incorporate the meaning of representation for example using high angle shots looking down at a particular actor to create the effect of vulnerability and to make it seem that the stalker is watching his/hers victim.
Throughout this whole project I have learnt a variety of techniques and about the use of technologies. First of all I learnt all the aspects of controlling the camera such as the 180 degree rule which is where you place the camera in a certain space to film particular sections but you cant the move the camera to the opposite side and carry on filming in the same scene but it would look very unprofessional and make the audience very confused. I also learnt a key aspect to due with the camera that is a must for all of our filming and that technique was putting the camera in wide screen I also learned alongside this how to set the white balance and how to test it for example setting the camera and then testing it against something white, this would also also give me an advantage if I didn't want to create a amateur looking piece. I also took in account the particular shots and angles we used in our preliminary task so we could make our opening a lot more interesting and drawing the audience into the situation. I also learnt to incorporate the meaning of representation for example using high angle shots looking down at a particular actor to create the effect of vulnerability and to make it seem that the stalker is watching his/hers victim.
Evaluation Question 5
How did you attract/address your audience?
I think that we attracted the audience really well and that we have definitely catered for our age range. I think that our opening sequence is very powerful and makes the audience want to carry on watching seems though we have tried something different to some of the other thrillers we have seen. I also know that the music at the start of our thriller can give out mixed possibilities which again makes the audience want to watch and keeps them guessing all the way though. I also think that the opening looks believable and very close to reality due to the use of mise-en-scene which includes costume and the use of props so the audience can relate to the situation of everyday life. We also appealed to our target audience by casting ourselves in the film to fit in with our target age. We also added some eerie music to create tension and mystery and suggesting to the audience that something isnt right.
I think that we attracted the audience really well and that we have definitely catered for our age range. I think that our opening sequence is very powerful and makes the audience want to carry on watching seems though we have tried something different to some of the other thrillers we have seen. I also know that the music at the start of our thriller can give out mixed possibilities which again makes the audience want to watch and keeps them guessing all the way though. I also think that the opening looks believable and very close to reality due to the use of mise-en-scene which includes costume and the use of props so the audience can relate to the situation of everyday life. We also appealed to our target audience by casting ourselves in the film to fit in with our target age. We also added some eerie music to create tension and mystery and suggesting to the audience that something isnt right.
Evaluation Question 4
Who would be the audience for your media product?
My target audience for our opening sequence would be teenagers in the age range of 15 to 19 and Adults. I chose this age range because we have chosen actors in this age range to act in our thriller and it would appeal more to teenagers and also the situation would appeal more to adults. I think it would attract more male attention than female, I think this because males would get more enticed and involved in what is going on because it’s a genre that you relate more with males. My thriller leaves the audience thinking about what comes next in this confusing yet powerful sequence. The reason for choosing such a young audience is that it would be easier to advertise to younger people. This would include using the internet, websites such as youtube advertising clips because younger people tend to use the internet more than other sources. I would also use other types of advertising such as posters and synergy again advertising them in a way it would get through to my target audience, and also by using these different ways would be a way of getting our thriller to adults because they would take more of an interest in looking at leaflets and posters.
My target audience for our opening sequence would be teenagers in the age range of 15 to 19 and Adults. I chose this age range because we have chosen actors in this age range to act in our thriller and it would appeal more to teenagers and also the situation would appeal more to adults. I think it would attract more male attention than female, I think this because males would get more enticed and involved in what is going on because it’s a genre that you relate more with males. My thriller leaves the audience thinking about what comes next in this confusing yet powerful sequence. The reason for choosing such a young audience is that it would be easier to advertise to younger people. This would include using the internet, websites such as youtube advertising clips because younger people tend to use the internet more than other sources. I would also use other types of advertising such as posters and synergy again advertising them in a way it would get through to my target audience, and also by using these different ways would be a way of getting our thriller to adults because they would take more of an interest in looking at leaflets and posters.
These are two examples of trailer posters both of these opening sequences are similar to ours so these are where we got most of our ideas from.
Evaluation Question 3
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
If our thriller was a full length film and were to be distributed I would want it to be distributed by a company like Optimum Distribution as they have support from EM Media, a company that want to make business in the East Midlands for filmmakers. Even though there films are not really on a large scale they would be a reliable company as they can provide funding and locations, props and equipment to film with. Another distribution company that I would like to distribute our film would be New Line Cinema, this is because they have distributed many thrillers in the past such as Se7en, which our thriller has taken inspiration from.
If our thriller was a full length film and were to be distributed I would want it to be distributed by a company like Optimum Distribution as they have support from EM Media, a company that want to make business in the East Midlands for filmmakers. Even though there films are not really on a large scale they would be a reliable company as they can provide funding and locations, props and equipment to film with. Another distribution company that I would like to distribute our film would be New Line Cinema, this is because they have distributed many thrillers in the past such as Se7en, which our thriller has taken inspiration from.
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Evaluation Question 2
How does your media product represent particular social groups?
The opening of our thriller sequence focuses on the social group of youth and teenagers. We also picked this due to the actors being of that same age range. But we focuses on the better aspects more than the negatives of youth and teenagers not such things as gangs and violence. We really focus on the representations at the beginning of our sequence on the types of things teenagers do and get involved with. For example we have two characters that are based on teenagers that are seen hugging and walking which are everyday things that teenagers are seen doing.
The opening of our thriller sequence focuses on the social group of youth and teenagers. We also picked this due to the actors being of that same age range. But we focuses on the better aspects more than the negatives of youth and teenagers not such things as gangs and violence. We really focus on the representations at the beginning of our sequence on the types of things teenagers do and get involved with. For example we have two characters that are based on teenagers that are seen hugging and walking which are everyday things that teenagers are seen doing.
However andrew is filmed walking alone which does not fit the stereotype of a teenager it suggests that he is isolated and is another reason why the stalker may be watching him. Youth are also represented as vulnerable and innocent. This is shown by the low and high angle shots and using locations where they appear isolated and alone. This will make the audience feel sorry for the character and feel the sense of worry.
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Evaluation Question 1
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
The opening sequence is the main and most important parts of a film because it needs to draw and attract the audience and gain their interest in the storyline (narrative). It needs to provide a sense of mystery as well as giving clues and hints about whats about to happen. To make sure that our opening sequence fit in the genre of "Thriller" we had to use style and conventions to achieve this.
Our Opening sequence consists of codes and conventions of title sequences by:
Starting of the narrative - A killer has gathered together a range of photographs of his targets and starts off by watching them and then following them giving hints and clues along the way.
To gain the audiences interests - By setting up a storyline that's not giving much away to the audience and only the victims are seen with some slight hints at the stalker.
Opening titles and actors names - To display the title and names of people starring in the thriller
Suitable music - To create a atmosphere and draw the audience in and to create tension
Prologue - The opening sequence acts as a prologue which is very common in films for example the opening sequence of "Seven". Both openings are very similar providing clips of past victims was taken from the opening of "Seven".
Speech - No speech is used which again is common in opening sequences.
Our opening sequence conforms to the codes and conventions of Thrillers by:
Fitting into a sub genre - Crime/Action
Clear story - which features detectives searching for the killer this again is common in thrillers
Establishes a story - which could include large and violent set- pieces.
Creates Enigmas - Identity of the killer, the killers actions, who are the victims and what will happen to them?
Our Opening Sequence challenges the codes of conventions of actual openings and Thrillers by:
1) Use of Teenage characters -You would find that adults would play these types of roles to make it more realistic and believable.
2) By not introducing a protagonist- the characters are victims of the killer, the protagonist would be a detective trying to stop the killer however they are not seen in the opening.
3) Not revealing the identity of the villain- Thrillers are about stopping a villain rather than uncovering who they are like in a murder mystery.
The opening sequence is the main and most important parts of a film because it needs to draw and attract the audience and gain their interest in the storyline (narrative). It needs to provide a sense of mystery as well as giving clues and hints about whats about to happen. To make sure that our opening sequence fit in the genre of "Thriller" we had to use style and conventions to achieve this.
Our Opening sequence consists of codes and conventions of title sequences by:
Starting of the narrative - A killer has gathered together a range of photographs of his targets and starts off by watching them and then following them giving hints and clues along the way.
To gain the audiences interests - By setting up a storyline that's not giving much away to the audience and only the victims are seen with some slight hints at the stalker.
Opening titles and actors names - To display the title and names of people starring in the thriller
Suitable music - To create a atmosphere and draw the audience in and to create tension
Prologue - The opening sequence acts as a prologue which is very common in films for example the opening sequence of "Seven". Both openings are very similar providing clips of past victims was taken from the opening of "Seven".
Speech - No speech is used which again is common in opening sequences.
Our opening sequence conforms to the codes and conventions of Thrillers by:
Fitting into a sub genre - Crime/Action
Clear story - which features detectives searching for the killer this again is common in thrillers
Establishes a story - which could include large and violent set- pieces.
Creates Enigmas - Identity of the killer, the killers actions, who are the victims and what will happen to them?
Our Opening Sequence challenges the codes of conventions of actual openings and Thrillers by:
1) Use of Teenage characters -You would find that adults would play these types of roles to make it more realistic and believable.
2) By not introducing a protagonist- the characters are victims of the killer, the protagonist would be a detective trying to stop the killer however they are not seen in the opening.
3) Not revealing the identity of the villain- Thrillers are about stopping a villain rather than uncovering who they are like in a murder mystery.
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Editing Problems
In todays lesson we all worked really well together as a group, but we came across a few difficulties such as the first section of our opening scene we realised that all our other filming was in widescreen but this particular bit wasn't. So today we were trying to arrange a different day to film this particular photo pan. We also had the same problem with filming some bits of Andrew on the park, the white balance wasn't correct and we again forgot to put the camera in widescreen so we have had to arrange yet again another day to film on. We still think that putting our opening sequence in greyscale looks a lot more professional than keeping it in colour, it looks very amatuer and we also wanted to create the effect of the opening looking like something that has happened in the past.
Monday, 22 March 2010
For the second half of our lesson we then needed to think about what different people could do to make sure that we get our thriller in on time and to also take everyones comments into account to make it look and sound a lot better. So we began by giving different members of the group different things to research and do so it all runs smoothly. Andrew researched different pieces of music so that our opening sequence didnt come across as a TV Drama and we needed certain bits in our opening to be filled with tense music to make it better instead of leaving it silent. Josh continued to edit certain bits in our opening and to play around with some effects to see if anything suited the filming a bit better than the previous one. We all listened to the music to see if we all agree but we will have to see which one fits the situation more. And Tom and myself continued to plan when we could next film and when we next edit so we could plan our time wisely and quickly.
For the first half of our two hour lesson we watched our peers opening sequence and we had to offer advice on how to improve their opening scenes and give feedback on what we thought about it and what we thought the possilbe plot lines could be.
Positive Feedback for our Opening was:
Good Use of camera
Good angles and shots
Music is good but at certain gives off the feel of a TV Drama
The ending is really efective with then name fitting into the effect
Negative Feedback for our Opening was:
Length of certain shots need to be cut down
Romantic section is to focused around "Tom" and "Sophie"
And we need more cuts to show the stalker to create a lot more tension
So all of these positive and negative points were taken into accout and we began editing straight away to make these comments count. We are going to start by re-filming the fist minute of the photo pan and make sure we put the camera on widescreen
Positive Feedback for our Opening was:
Good Use of camera
Good angles and shots
Music is good but at certain gives off the feel of a TV Drama
The ending is really efective with then name fitting into the effect
Negative Feedback for our Opening was:
Length of certain shots need to be cut down
Romantic section is to focused around "Tom" and "Sophie"
And we need more cuts to show the stalker to create a lot more tension
So all of these positive and negative points were taken into accout and we began editing straight away to make these comments count. We are going to start by re-filming the fist minute of the photo pan and make sure we put the camera on widescreen
Friday, 19 March 2010
First Draft and Editing
This is our first draft for our thriller. There is still alot more things that need adding, it also needs making a bit longer to match the maximum of 2 minutes and its currently at 1 minute 27 seconds. There is loads more we can incorperate in our thriller and still quite a few bits of footage that we could include to make it look a bit better.
Today we got the majority of editing done to get the final draft in on time, there is still a lot that needs doing but we will get round to that after we have had feedback given to us and aspects in which we could improve. So far i am really happy the way we have worked as a team and managed to get some really good shots due to not wasting time or argueing. I think that a lot of time and effort has gone into this project so we are all hoping with the finishing touches it will get us all the grades we want. Today we have also uploaded our thriller opening to youtube so can show our first draft in our blogs.
For our thriller the effect we wanted to create was a detective based idea at first, which then developed as we began our filming process. We then had a idea of a stalker but we all agreed that it was a bit to predictable so we changed our idea slightly, we decided to go for the detective based idea but with a bit of a twist of all of the characters being followed as you see at the beginning when the camera is panning across all the pictures. Also with this panning bit we have come across a really big problem and will sort it out once we have had feedback, we noticed that all of our filming is in widescreen apart from the panning at the beginning but we are hoping that it will fit in with our detective theme, but if not then we will just have to film it again. We then decided that with all our footage in colour it looked a bit amatuer so i thought it would look a lot better in black and white or greyscale to again fit in with our detective theme.
Friday, 12 March 2010
Final Filming
Today in period 3 all of the group went to the nearest park to begin filming bits of Andrew exactly like we did with Me and Tom on Monday. We thought it would be better idea if andrew was in some bits with the stalker following him because it makes more sense due t0 Andrew being in the photo pan at the start. When we eventually got to the park after gathering together our equipment the weather was really cold so we tried to get our shots done as quickly as possible but made a mistake through doing that which cost us all of our filming, we forgot to put the camera in widescreen. Wre filmed each shot at least two times just in case something went wrong with the previous shots. We then wanted some shots of of Andrew and Josh (the stalker) walking into an alley way leaving the park we thought it would look really if we made the camera invisable and get Josh to look as if hes just puhed some one out the way to get to Andrew. These shots have really worked well today and we are hoping to capture as soon as we get chance to Edit.
Monday, 8 March 2010
Main block of Filming
As a group we decided today that we will get the main bulk of our filming done, so for our location we picked a park with lots of different areas with quite a few trees to make our opening look as realistic as possible. We began by taking loads of location shot for our blogswhich i will be posting in my next blog. After taking photographs of us working and locations we then began filming, we started where me and tom began to walk down a footpath with the camera at quite a distance away getting closer as we walked. We then decided to get some close ups of mine and toms faces and did these shots a number of times just incase one of them went wrong we also had a great time filming all of these shots. We also tryed putting the camera into a number of different positions to see which positions looked the best and we came out with a lot more better shots and angles. We also picked an area with the most trees so we could get some really good stalkerish angles trying to include tree branches so it looks like the stalker is looking from behind something. We also came acroos some really good areas that we thought would look really good for filming but we havent used that footage yet. Overall it has been a very successful day today for filming the weather has been really good so we have been able to stay out for longer to film and again we picked the best spots to film in. As a team we did get along really well today as well as getting our filming done we also had a great laugh together which made the filming all the more enjoyable.
Friday, 5 March 2010
Filming the victims
While i was away the rest of the group continued to filming for our opening sequence. Firstly they captured the panning video we all did on monday so that bit was finished and out the way. They all then carried the camera and tripod onto toton lane and tried out some different shots professional and amature. They filmed walking down the road and from opposite sides of the road (giving the representation of the camera being invisable) and one amature shot was taken to show the perspective of the stalker. We used different camera shot types to portray a wide range of camera angles in the opening sequence and portray different perceptions of view and make it interesting to watch.

Some of these pictures we thought would create a really good effect and tie into our opeing sequence. After they had finished filming on totoan lane across the roads they then went to film on the park and we have chosen the park because it looks more childlike and is one place you would associate with a child and we wanted the vulnerability to come across to the audince when its complete. The filming at the park consisted of tom sitting on the swings and josh and andrew getting different angles filming with tom in the same position and we also took loads of pictures in the spare time we had to upload to our blog.
Some of these pictures we thought would create a really good effect and tie into our opeing sequence. After they had finished filming on totoan lane across the roads they then went to film on the park and we have chosen the park because it looks more childlike and is one place you would associate with a child and we wanted the vulnerability to come across to the audince when its complete. The filming at the park consisted of tom sitting on the swings and josh and andrew getting different angles filming with tom in the same position and we also took loads of pictures in the spare time we had to upload to our blog.
Limited Time
At the beginning of todays lesson all of our group were beginning to feel the pressure and feel pressed for time it didnt help today at the fact i had to leave pretty early due to a table tennis tournament but i know that my group went to do some filming on swings at the park. I also know that they have some really good footage of andrew which will be used at the beginning of our sequence just after we have started the pan.
Monday, 1 March 2010
Photograph Panning
For the two hours we had to work on our thriller opening sequence i think we made vert good timing. For the first half of the lesson we managed to go to my house which was closer to film in and managed to get our opening minutes finished. We took about three takes on the same shot to see which film came out better and also just in case something went wrong with one of the filming. I think me and the rest of me group are very happy with the progress we are making even though we could of filmed a little bit quicker but we have managed to get the important bits filmed and we are now ready to capture. Using the camera to film our photograph scene seemed like a very good due to the fact that we took and put together all the pictures that we pan across with the camera, We had a slight problem with the tripod, when the camera was on the tripod we found it very hard to get the camera the way we had planned it on our storyboard. We decided we wanted the camera to be directly over the pictures we had taken so it had a better effect when we add the music to the scene. But on the whole for this double lesson we have done what we had planned to do and are now ready to capture.

As a group we decided that all of us should be involved in our thriller, we decided this because all of us are taking AS Drama so we all have good ideas of how we want to act out our particular parts. (from left to right) Sophie Neil, Thomas Adcock, Andrew Tinley and Josh Curran. By making the right choice and making sure we are all involved we wont have to worry about wasting time due to the acting side of things. For the costumes we decided just to film in what we were wearing at the time, this is because we thought it would look alot more realistic and also filming on different days wont be a problem as that is what we want to achieve by wearing things on different days so it looks like different times of the day.
As a group we decided not to use props as we didnt want our thriller to look amatuer and that we had just used the props for the sake of it, we wanted the best outcome to get the grades we want so we decided to go for the most realistic look and use a area where we thought a stalker may take pictures of people from, so this ment picking a area with lots of trees so we could get some really good angles from behind trees and trying to get shots with tree branches in it to also give it that realistic look.
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Film Schedule
Planned Dates:
•1st March - Pan Sequence
•5th March - Victim walking (me) and Victim being watched at park (tom)
•8th March - Victims being watched at the park (tom and Sophie)
UPDATE: We didn't really stick to our schedule we decided to film the shots of a victim on the park again but using me instead of Tom.
Friday 12th March (Lunch)- Second Victim being watched and then took by killer
Actors Needed
Andrew Tinley
Thomas Adcock
Sophie Neil
UPDATE - (8th March) Josh Curran (Killer)
Equipment Needed-
Samsung Video Camera
My Digital Camera
Props for Photo Pan- Camera, pens, diary, pins and pot, cable and phone
Sophie's House (but we can do elsewhere due to the fact that we never see the interior of the house)
Toton Lane - My walking sequence
Fairfield Park - Me/ Tom on the swing
Archer's Field - Tom and Sophie's final stalker sequence with stalker seen
Planned Dates:
•1st March - Pan Sequence
•5th March - Victim walking (me) and Victim being watched at park (tom)
•8th March - Victims being watched at the park (tom and Sophie)
UPDATE: We didn't really stick to our schedule we decided to film the shots of a victim on the park again but using me instead of Tom.
Friday 12th March (Lunch)- Second Victim being watched and then took by killer
Actors Needed
Andrew Tinley
Thomas Adcock
Sophie Neil
UPDATE - (8th March) Josh Curran (Killer)
Equipment Needed-
Samsung Video Camera
My Digital Camera
Props for Photo Pan- Camera, pens, diary, pins and pot, cable and phone
Sophie's House (but we can do elsewhere due to the fact that we never see the interior of the house)
Toton Lane - My walking sequence
Fairfield Park - Me/ Tom on the swing
Archer's Field - Tom and Sophie's final stalker sequence with stalker seen
Saturday, 27 February 2010
The group created a risk assessment highlighting potential risks and hazards which could occur while filming. It is important to be aware of these so we know how to avoid them and act responsibly.
High Risk
Medium Risk
Low Risk
Falling over:
We will ensure that appropriate footwear is worn during all photo taking and filming sessions and make sure that the ground we are walking on during a scene/photo is extremely safe before capturing.
Getting Injured By Moving Car:
We will ensure that precautions are put in to place for road safety during footage around roads and we will never film actors crossing busy roads. (If crossing of a road is necessary in one shot, then the cameraman will never rush actor and make sure he/she feels safe crossing the road and that they do it as naturally and safely as possible).
During cold weather, we will ensure that all actors have sensible clothing on and if it is necessary to film scenes without appropriate clothing we will complete these scenes with a high level of focus, therefore it is shot efficiency, preventing unnecessary time in the cold weather.
Getting Lost:
During certain "forest" scenes, we will make sure that all actors have phone in their pocket in their pocket if they cannot find way back. However, this will be prevented by filming in groups of three or four at all times, which will limit individual isolation.
Damage to Equipment:
We will make sure, when handling equipment, that we do so gently and slowly, preventing any quick slips, trips or falls with the equipment. We will also share the equipment when walking therefore preventing any one person to carry all of it by themselves, which will hopefully prevent injury or damage to person or equipment.
We will make sure as a group that we don't annoy or aggravate members of the public during the filming's of our scenes. We will choose fairly isolated areas during the day to avoid this, but if we encounter a person we will take extra safety precautions to avoid awkward questioning or negative vibes.
General Injury:
We will ensure that our locations are near college during, college hours, so if something happened we can quickly return to get help. Also we will always travel in a group of 4, therefore if someone is in trouble, one (or two) member(s) of the group can stay with them whilst the other one or two can run off for help.
If a member of a group falls ill time needs to be used efficiently to remain on schedule. If its more than 2hrs we need to find replacement or a definite reschedule date will be set and be met without exception.
Friday, 26 February 2010
Final Planning
This week we have mainly been planning our out our scenes and storyboard. As a group we all decided that the first minute or so should be a really effective series of photographs, in order to do this we thought of creating a sort of collage of pictures or all the chosen actors and then scattering them or pinning them to a cork board. We then had the idea to pan across the pictures once they are in place to get off a detective feel. We all agreed that over the weekend we would all go and take pictures to add to the board. Today we all went out taking certain picture of myself and tom in certain areas to make it look more realistic and more like we were being followed. We are roughly aiming to get about 30 to 40 pictures on the collage.
Thursday, 25 February 2010
This storyboard is the start of our ideas, we have started the Photo panning idea which consists of different pictures of past victims. The second shot we decided was also a past victim walking along toton lane. The third shot is very similar which again is two people (a couple) walking across a field.
This is the second page of the storyboard shows the last two shots which are going to be shown in our film. Shot four is the stalkers perception shot and shot five is where the camera suddenly drops and the finishing title comes up of "Out of Focus".
Friday, 12 February 2010
Hannibal - Opening Scene
Genre: Horror Thriller
This opening scene is very basic and i think that the credits were very plain and it was very slow paced before it went into the actual sequence.
Friday, 5 February 2010
Editing Completed
Blog for 29th of January:
As for our editing we managed to get it all done in the two periods on the challenge day. I would say that all of our editing went smoothly and there was hardly any problems that occured during our editing stage. Me and Josh worked really hard on the first bit of the editing today then shaun and oliver took over for the second half. We tryed to make sure that all the cuts and any effects that we added in looked believeable for example getting the particular bit of filming to match the audio. After we were happy with the success of our perlimenary task we then saved it and then put the format to film so we could upload it to youtube, to get the URL to upload to our blogs.
As for our editing we managed to get it all done in the two periods on the challenge day. I would say that all of our editing went smoothly and there was hardly any problems that occured during our editing stage. Me and Josh worked really hard on the first bit of the editing today then shaun and oliver took over for the second half. We tryed to make sure that all the cuts and any effects that we added in looked believeable for example getting the particular bit of filming to match the audio. After we were happy with the success of our perlimenary task we then saved it and then put the format to film so we could upload it to youtube, to get the URL to upload to our blogs.
Friday, 29 January 2010
Monday, 18 January 2010
Storyboard Task
In todays lesson we watched a short clip to help do our shot reverse shot when it comes to doing the actual filming. We then as a group continued to do our storyboard and decided on angles at the beginning of the film and where the location may be. After deciding this we then made sure that all our ideas were down on a sheet and began to experiment with the camera, on which side to film it and the types of shots.
Plot: A girl named Sophie is about to break up with her Boyfriend Josh, who acts a bit nerdy even though he is looking at some nice stuff for her for valentines day.
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